We’ve noticed that some customers, when attempting to connect their Instagram account, encounter an issue at the final step. The solution is to create a new user in your Facebook Business Manager. Here's how to do it.
We have addressed this issue from many customers, and this is a Meta issue. The issue will arise if you delete and reinstall the channel. The issue is somehow the integration is not reset by Meta when installing a new channel with an existing user.
So you need to remove and re-add your account to the FB Page or the best option is to add a new user to your FB Page and login with the new user when setting up a new Messenger or Instagram channel.
Here is the step:
Go to your Facebook account:https://web.facebook.com/
Switch to your Page and go to Page Settings. Please focus on the Page Access in your Page setting and not your FB Business account setting.
Select the Page setup menu or click this link: https://web.facebook.com/settings/?tab=pages
Select Page Access and click the view button: https://web.facebook.com/settings/?tab=profile_access
Invite a new user to access your Page. Please see this video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ymqvde5cb02z57hrvtkle/RecordedVideo-68.webm?rlkey=91qjsp341z65r4glgc1zod60g&st=ptrdixgz&dl=0
If the new user doesn't appear, please ensure the new user has been invited as a friend with your FB account.
To activate the invitation, the new user needs to login to their FB account and open your FB page. You will see the invitation message. After the user has activated the invitation, you may try to setup the new channel using the new user account.
Please take a screen recording while doing this step. Let our support team know if you're still having the problem.
All our customers facing this issue can resolve it by doing this step. Please note that this is a Meta Issue and not from our side.