In this article we give you information to successfully send out an engage message or campaign.
Because of the of the possibility to send out an engage message/campaign to a lot of contacts at the same time, Meta has implemented rules and guidelines for you to follow to make sure that the quality of the service stays high and recipients are protected as much as possible from spam.
It is important to follow these guidelines for the message/campaign to be successful and to make sure there are no negative effects on your WhatsApp channel. If these guidelines are not followed there is a possibility of being restricted or blocked by META which can prevent you from sending any messages at all and can take a long time to solve.
First, let's start with how to compose your message:
- When creating a template that you will use later for the engage message, you have to make this template personal. To show you an example of a non-personal and a personal template:
Non-personal template 🚫 Personal template ✅
To create a personal template, you can begin your template with the desired greeting followed by a variable. You can find the list with variables under the sign "{ }" in the WhatsApp Template Manager. For example:
Hi/Dear { }. When adding this variable, the first name of the contact is automatically added when sending the message.
Secondly, it is important to ask for the consent of the recipients of your message:
- Make sure that the recipients can opt-in or opt-out from the campaign and receiving future messages. Examples of this are placing a sign-up form on your website or creating a QR-code that recipients can scan to sign-up or sending a newsletter via e-mail asking whether they want to be involved in future campaigns.
- Create a template message with a 'sign me out' button ✅:
This way, people can inform you about their preferences with a single click on the button. Please note that if people answer they wish not to receive these messages, that you have to sign them out manually by pressing the speaker icon in the contact information:
Lastly, it is important to know what not to do 🚫:
- Make sure to not create pushy sales templates. Often, these types of messages contain a lot of "!!!" and Capital letters to get the attention of the recipient. However, recipients often report these messages as spam due to their compelling and unprofessional nature.
An example of this: - Don't use too many emoji's in your message. Try to avoid using an emoji after every sentence or using multiple emoji's in a row.
- Ensure that you don't use too much text in one paragraph to make your message easier to read. Use spaces in your message if it is long, keeping in mind the limit of 1034 characters and keeping in mind that two consecutive spaces is not allowed by META.
- Correct your template for spelling, grammar and interpunction mistakes. META checks heavily on spelling, grammar and interpunction mistakes.